Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, looking for the perfect Watermelon juice recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Watermelon juice recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Watermelon juice
Watermelon juice

Before you jump to Watermelon juice recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Make Healthy Eating A Part of Your Life.

Opting to eat healthily provides great benefits and is becoming a more popular way of living. The overall economy is impacted by the number of people who are dealing with health problems such as high blood pressure, which is directly related to poor eating habits. There are more and more campaigns to try to get people to adopt a more healthy way of living and still it is also easier than ever to rely on fast, convenient food that is often bad for our health. Most likely, a lot of people think that it takes a lot of work to eat healthily and that they will have to drastically alter their way of life. In reality, however, just making some modest changes can positively affect day-to-day eating habits.

You can obtain results without removing foods from your diet or make considerable changes right away. Even more important than totally modifying your diet is simply substituting healthy eating choices whenever you can. Eventually, you will see that you actually prefer to consume healthy foods after you have eaten that way for a while. As you stick to your habit of eating healthier foods, you will see that you no longer want to eat the old diet.

To sum up, it is easy to begin making healthy eating a regular part of your daily lifestyle.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to watermelon juice recipe. To cook watermelon juice you only need 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you do that.

The ingredients needed to prepare Watermelon juice:
  1. Take 1 bowl peeled and dessed watermelon
  2. Take 3 tsp lemon juice
  3. Use 1/2 tsp black salt
  4. You need 1/3 tsp black pepper
  5. Prepare To taste salt
  6. Prepare 2 tsp sugar
  7. Get 4-5 ice cubes
  8. Get as required Roasted cumin seeds
Instructions to make Watermelon juice:
  1. Place watermelon,salt,black pepper, black salt,lemon juice, roasted cumin seeds,sugar,ice cubes, blend until smooth.
  2. Strain it and pour in a chilled glass.
  3. Ready to drink waterlemon juice.

Don't be fooled by its high water content—watermelon is a nutritional powerhouse, too. It also has a very high lycopene content. If you prefer chilled watermelon juice, scoop and refrigerate your watermelon BEFORE blending so it's nice and cool and refreshing and ready for serving right away (optional). Add sliced watermelon to a high-speed blender and blend on high until well blended. You can add a bit of lime juice to taste at this point if you'd prefer some acidity.

If you find this Watermelon juice recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.